Jack of Horns (Special)
Jack of all trades, master of none" or so the saying goes. These horns are typicalled shaped in the form of a diamond like those seen on a playing card.
Sultry Tail (Special)
Tail(s) that far exceed any normal length, surpassing their height by well over a foot in length.
Nubian Tail (Special)
A Sphinx like tail with feathers or fur at the point where spine turns to tail.
Golden Fleece (Special)
The legend of the Golden Fleece speaks volumes of its healing abilities. This trait allows the fur around the chest, neck, and/or arms to give off a feint firey glow. Generallythose with this trait have golden colored fur but other warm metallic colors are seen as well in some.
Firey Aura (Special)
Your character emits flames from their being. The flames can be any color and give off a soft glow. The character can manipulate the flames to a degree but cannot completely get rid of them nor engulf themselves for more than a few short moments. This trait does make them resistant to fire and extreme heat.
Available during the summer heat (Jun-Aug).