Divine Horns (Uncommon)
Category: Horns
Allows for there to be a single horn that rises from the forehead reaching for the heavens or horns that curve inward appearing more like a halo.
Natural Horns (Common)
Category: Horns
This is the most basic horn style, consisting of two horn protruding from the forehead. Horns are made of bone, wood, or other natural materials and can take on many antler/horn shapes found in the nature of Terra Prime.
Faerie Ears (Common)
Category: Ears
In addition to the alven, human, and dormir style ears, djanii sometimes have butterfly or gossamere wing-like ears.
Basic Ears (Common)
Category: Ears
Species: Janii
Janii most commonly have human or alven style ears.
Droopy Ears (Common)
Category: Ears
In addition to the alven, human, and dormir style ears, lephani sometimes have dropping or floppy ears.
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