
Firey Aura (Special)

Category: Seasonal

Your character emits flames from their being. The flames can be any color and give off a soft glow. The character can manipulate the flames to a degree but cannot completely get rid of them nor engulf themselves for more than a few short moments. This trait does make them resistant to fire and extreme heat.


Available during the summer heat (Jun-Aug).

Porcelain (Uncommon)

Category: Seasonal

A fragile body, cracks form on overly soft skin and delicate horns.

Firelight (Special)

Category: Seasonal

Holly Horns (Uncommon)

Category: Seasonal
Species: Janii

Lantern Keeper (Special)

Category: Seasonal
Species: Janii

Golden Fleece (Special)

Category: Seasonal

The legend of the Golden Fleece speaks volumes of its healing abilities. This trait allows the fur around the chest, neck, and/or arms to give off a feint firey glow. Generallythose with this trait have golden colored fur but other warm metallic colors are seen as well in some.

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