Visual Trait IndexThe primary species of Al'Vishan. Janii govern most of civilized societies within the realm. They are magical creatures said to be able to grant wishes. However, all Janii know that if they ever just granted a wish rather than working towards it, the shortcut could end their life. All Janii have the following traits:
- Horns, commonly 2 protruding from the forhead. Different styles and materials depend on the subspecies.
- Horse like legs and hooves. It is uncommon for them to have split toe hooves, or triple toe hooves.
- Cuffs; mystical devices that maintain and help control their magic.
- Fur, placement depending on the subtype.
- Tails that end in mystical firey smoke.
- Fantasy humanoid style ears.
Characters shown are our mascots Ifrit & Chainbreaker.
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