


Visual Trait Index
Subtypes: Djanii, Leaphani, Buvani, Yanii

The primary species of Al'Vishan. Janii govern most of civilized societies within the realm. They are magical creatures said to be able to grant wishes. However, all Janii know that if they ever just granted a wish rather than working towards it, the shortcut could end their life. All Janii have the following traits:

  • Horns, commonly 2 protruding from the forhead. Different styles and materials depend on the subspecies.
  • Horse like legs and hooves. It is uncommon for them to have split toe hooves, or triple toe hooves.
  • Cuffs; mystical devices that maintain and help control their magic.
  • Fur, placement depending on the subtype.
  • Tails that end in mystical firey smoke. 
  • Fantasy humanoid style ears.


Characters shown are our mascots Ifrit & Chainbreaker.



One of the creatures that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere all at once, were beastfolk. They live in tribes that wander the vast areas of wilderness between the janii cities, most preferring the forests. Like animals som may reach maturity a bit sooner than a human would, but they are not considered adult within their society until they reach the age of 24. Most will like to be around 400 years old.

  • Clawed hands.
  • Anthro legs.
    • Paws have 4 toes (sometimes a du claw)
  • Fur on 30-70% of their body.
  • Human skin tones.
  • Human or Alven ears.


Subtypes: Ashura, Morgati

A type of wingless fae with a bit of elemental magic in tune with the season they were born to. They are typically wanderers, but some do find that they like the janii cities enough to settle down (at least for a time).

On average Alves are shorter and more spindly than humans with large eyes, petite facial features, and long pointed ears. Their skin tones, eye color, and hair color depend on which season they are associated with. Winter having pale colors such as baby blue, white, and pastel purples. Summer has warm golds and lush greens. Spring is the most vibrant and varied in color. Autumn has warm browns, reds, and oranges.




Subtypes: Sliver, Crescent

Short and stocky individuals with an increased affinity in terra. They have a rather mystical connection with the stone often sporting that they can commune with it and tell what the stone wishes to be worked into. 

Both male and female dormir can grow facial hair. The men seem to take the grooming of facial hair to be part of their allure when finding a life mate.

Their large round ears help them hear small sounds and vibrations when underground a bit like echo location.



Subtypes: Lowland, Highland


Visual Trait Index
Subtypes: Terran, Rokkan, Lu-Shi, Vyr

Human are extremely rare in Al'Vishan. They have no magical abilities of their own, though some have developed mutations due to living in certain areas of Al'Vishan for long periods of time.

In order for a human to be here one of two things must happen. The first is that a Djanii felt honored in some way by their presence and they were allowed to travel back with the Djanii. The second and less likely option is that they stumbled through a portal (or multiple portals) and ended up stranded here.

In even rarer cases a human and a Djanii or Beastfolk might decide to become life mates and even have children. Such children often find it hard to tap into the natural magic of the world. Such children would be considered as crossbreeds. Always with the human style ears, generally less fur, and only one cuff except in rare circumstances. Children born between a human and a djanii can become embraced by vampirism and transform a bit afterwards.


Space deer?! Yep, that what they are. Advanced in the ways of science and space travel these nebula infused fauns are highly intelligent and curious creatures. They travel between realms using the stars and planets to navigate the vastness of space. 

More information on them will come in the future but they always have short stubby tails, deer like hooves, faun/deer ears, and some kind of astral marking on their body. 

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