Realm Creation and Growth

Historic Events

There is a legend of great sages that sacrificed themselves in order to end the Great War. Five sages, each with their own unique powers came together in the darkest hour and used their wish power to birth into existance the realm that the janii fled to, and now call home. This is the reason that Imperium has 5 council members to govern their lands, in honor of the five sages who's very life force created all that we walk upon.

Hermati: a sage of great wind magic, said to be able to sprout the most glorious and expansive wings ever seen in the realms, was the one to call upon the other sages to mage the great sacrifice. Hermati had no family, and thus no heir to their name when they called for the sacrifice. They did, however, have many creatures that they cared for and wished with everything that animals would always be able to find their way here.

Terafil: the sage of fire, had a large family at the time of sacrifice, and bid each of them find their place in the new world, and never let anything hold them back from their true potential. They wished with all their might that the lands would always have places that brough comfort and warmth to the janii that came after.

Yore: the sage of water, blessed the land to have an eternal spring of fresh water that flowed through the world, and brought life to all corners of it. It is unknown if she had any children, but there were rumors that she and her late master had a hybrid child hiding somewhere in the world.

Myfa: the sage of earth, molded and crafted the land. Their small model was made reality with sacrifice, going from a hope to a dream and birthed into reality. They are the reason for the mountains and valleys upon which all life resides.

The last sage is unnamed, but it is known that they were close with Chainbreaker. They breathed new life into the land and left room for expansion, promising that if any creature of the realm were willful enough that their will would add onto the realm in some way, furthering the land for generations to come.